
On a welcome sunny day we welcomed our March arrivals to Oregon Eugene Mission Home. They are met at the Eugene airport by President and Sister Young and the Assistants to the President.

A "first time" event for the OEM!! All our new (March) arrivals are SISTERS!!

Sister Nicholle Bonetti
Sister Erica Crabb

Sister Jordan Giles
Sister Amelia Hitchcock
Sister Brittany Hallenberger

Sister Sophia Jones
Sister Moriah Peterson
Sister DeAnna Squire

Our March arrivals with their trainer companions. The new arrivals are underlined

Sisters VanWagenen and Crabb
Sisters Miller and Giles
Sisters Squire and Crosgrove
Sisters Coon and Hitchcock

                                                       Sisters Cockrell and Peterson
Sister Mackley and Bonetti
Sister Petersen and Jones
Sisters Brock and Hallenberger